#English #Women
After reading Dr Rieu’s transla… Who is this that comes in splendou… This is he we had not thought of,… Airy, in an airy manner in an airy… Others take him by the hand, lead…
I always remember your beautiful f… And the beautiful kimono you wore When you sat on the couch With that tigerish crouch And told me you loved me no more.
Dearest Evelyn, I often think of… Out with the guns in the jungle st… Yesterday I hittapotamus I put the measurements down for yo… It’s not a good thing to drink out…
I do not ask for mercy for underst… And in these heavy days I do not… I do not ask that suffering shall… I do not pray to God to let me di… To give an ear attentive to my cry
Alone in the woods I felt The bitter hostility of the sky an… Nature has taught her creatures to… Man that fusses and fumes Unquiet man
Tenuous and Precarious Were my guardians, Precarious and Tenuous, Two Romans. My father was Hazardous,
Was he married, did he try To support as he grew less fond of… Wife and family? No, He never suffered such a blow.
There is a face I know too well, A face I dread to see, So vain it is, so eloquent Of all futility. It is a human face that hides
Happiness is silent, or speaks equ… Grief is explicit and her song nev… Happiness is like England, and wi… Grief, like Guilt, rushes in and…
My heart goes out to my Creator i… Who gave me Death, as end and rem… All living creatures come to quiet… For him to eat up their activity And give them nothing, which is wh…
He said no word of her to us Nor we of her to him, But oh it saddened us to see How wan he grew and thin. We said: she eats him day and nigh…
In my dreams I am always saying g… Whither and why I know not nor do… And the parting is sweet and the p… And sweetest of all is the night a… In my dreams they are always wavin…
There is far too much of the subur… Spiritually not geographically spe… Menacing the greatness of our belo… Propagating their kind in an eight… Now I have a plan which I will en…
Away, melancholy, Away with it, let it go. Are not the trees green, The earth as green? Does not the wind blow,
I remember the Roman Emperor, one… Who used to visit for pleasure his… So then they would beg him for dea… Oh no, oh no, we are not yet frien… He meant they were not yet friends…