Stevie Smith

The Suburban Classes

There is far too much of the suburban classes
Spiritually not geographically speaking. They’€™re asses.
Menacing the greatness of our beloved England, they lie
Propagating their kind in an eightroomed stye.
Now I have a plan which I will enfold
(There’€™s this to be said for them, they do as they’€™re told)
Then tell them their country’€™s in mortal peril
They believed it before and again will not cavil
Put it in caption form firm and slick
If they see it in print it is bound to stick:
‘€˜Your King and your Country need you Dead’€™
You see the idea? Well, let it spread.
Have a suitable drug under string and label
Free for every Registered Reader’€™s table.
For the rest of the gang who are not patriotic
I’€™ve another appeal they’€™ll discover hypnotic:
Tell them it’€™s smart to be dead and won’€™t hurt
And they’€™ll gobble up drug as they gobble up dirt.
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