#English #Women
My life is vile I hate it so I’ll wait awhile And then I’ll go. Why wait at all?
The lions who ate the Christians… By indulging native appetites play… Not entirely negligible part In consolidating at the very start The position of the Early Christi…
Walking swiftly with a dreadful du… He smiled too briefly, his face wa… He jumped into a taxi when he saw… Leaving my alone with a private me… He loves me so much, my heart is s…
My heart was full of softening sho… I used to swing like this for hour… I did not care for war or death, I was glad to draw my breath.
Nobody heard him, the dead man, But still he lay moaning: I was much further out than you th… And not waving but drowning. Poor chap, he always loved larking
Do not despair of man, and do not… Who are you that you should so lig… Are you not also a man, and in you… Are there not warlike thoughts and… Are you not also afraid and in fea…
In my dreams I am always saying g… Whither and why I know not nor do… And the parting is sweet and the p… And sweetest of all is the night a… In my dreams they are always wavin…
Dearest Evelyn, I often think of… Out with the guns in the jungle st… Yesterday I hittapotamus I put the measurements down for yo… It’s not a good thing to drink out…
Away, melancholy, Away with it, let it go. Are not the trees green, The earth as green? Does not the wind blow,
The shadow was so black, I thought it was a cat, But once in to it I knew it No more black
In the flame of the flickering fir… The sins of my soul are few And the thoughts in my head are th… With a solitary view. But the eye of eternal consciousne…
I do not ask for mercy for underst… And in these heavy days I do not… I do not ask that suffering shall… I do not pray to God to let me di… To give an ear attentive to my cry
I always remember your beautiful f… And the beautiful kimono you wore When you sat on the couch With that tigerish crouch And told me you loved me no more.
Nobody knows what I feel about Fr… I cannot make anyone understand I love him sub specie aet ernitati… I love him out of hand. I don’t love him so much in the re…
He told his life story to Mrs. Co… Who was a widow. 'Let us get marr… He said. ‘I am no longer passiona… But we can have some conversation…