Never forget To Do Your own Thing
When you Are young You Could Only
Now, have you seen? The black mane of a dark horse As it slithers and kiss the marble… Now the whore petticoat, cloaks an… On a starry night whispers its oat
Even if the devil whispers are lou… Can you alter his ego around? May you not kneel or lie or squat… Munificence alarm, Can you tell me what he looks like…
They don’t Surprise me They live in a Different world Different city
If I could sleep in my dream; Gazing lightly with my brow for a… When the snowy candles begins to w… I would sleep in peace for million… Knowing my sight will become blue…
Oh, the moon should be cautious of… The moon should always glance to k… If i am still here, dressed or nak… With all of my conscious sins and… Witnesses; my eyes could blindly e…
The truth in the midst of lies, th… Threat and stab; heart could never… The poor lies of filled wealth whi… In albatross of the world at will. And to slip and bleed from a restf…
A relationship without love is lik… Disco of sex, a music, a carpeted… And army of glitzy light of nothin… But a waste of one’s effort to suc… Perhaps love is easy to frisk
I breath through Sheets of everlasting words.
You have read all About me but All I know about you is beauty.
It might be shit But that’s your own shit And it might be a hit From the park, And that will pose to be
I know Something That could Do the Trick
I can play Different roles But there have To be no rules Or tears because
Why are they dressed in red and wh… A black long fur facing towards th… A gold button parting the blood an… Misery of their own existence, and… To please; they are slow nature of…