My thoughts are All outlined with white Colour You don’t need to Worry; they are
The blind goose with a solemn hear… White, pure and goes on and on and… But without the trails of the rest… All she ever sees was darkness, Darkness –this long parable and na…
The truth in the midst of lies, th… Threat and stab; heart could never… The poor lies of filled wealth whi… In albatross of the world at will. And to slip and bleed from a restf…
I feel like I have seen them all And buzzing around in black and wh… White socked into bleach of evils… They wish to break us all but With divine intervention we surpas…
You can’t get Enough Of words Or enough Of context
Act amazed like it is done in plig… For all that winds care is comfort And delicate bid of sun ray slithe… Through the breast of a pregnant d… Act amazed like its done in plight…
What heart would whisper another Sense will hardly learn; and Wandering mind could cluster Indefinite at dark forests in angu… Of sight and vicious earthly being…
It is just another dreary poem Her heart will forever endure and… As he felt no human rage or human… Felt no anger, love and care in hi… In silence he slumbered in his dee…
It will not make you rich It doesn’t mean that you are speci… There are no extra powers Only an effort will do And you will never stop
poetry in my bones, just a little plenty in my bones, it burns and burns even when i try cleanse away creativity in my bones, i have love for other things;
I am a father I am a mother I said I’m a friend! Your friend A neighbour
Teenagers Take healthy risks, Read books Go on walks Watch the sunset
You are beautiful Regardless of what Beauty means.
They should learn how to talk, When they sees one another—just fo… They should dry the coals and bury… Like half of us, so strength shall… But before you were born by them,
I love Everything That will Make Me