I call you Art Beautiful, interesting Expressive, talented And yet so delicate.
There are sweetness in his blazing… Admiration of kind mind that winds… So, why halt? when the symphony Of grasp still commence, I can see the shadow line of where
You don’t have to bleed to Satisfy them all Just throw them a bone And watch them bring it back.
Many had played this game like a c… A mouse, we once played the game b… Drained and emotionally out of dep… The game hates to differ and knows… Fight for this game and be careles…
Secrets A secret is not a secret without m… A secret is not a ghost that knock… A secret is not a torn sheet or a… A secret is not a weapon to change…
Heaven will be glad and passionate… for hell could not bare in comfort Of some delicate souls prayer woul… So will earth cruse blissfully una… that flesh will rot with clothes,…
Art of loving is a complicated Ar… it must not be too Abundant or too… and Moderation is an hard option t…
Hunger for silence Voice cracked whistles blown Cattles lost Ego’s bruised
When in battle We know men But not fully, We know men that Folds up their sleeve
There are many ways To start a poem and many Words to start one with. There are many ways to create A life and many styles involved
many writes poetry now, many writes about life and they wi… were not alive but when they hears… they run and leave their shoes beh… many writes about love,
This could Be Magic Only if You
Love will have no manners Or conciousness to rebuke for, Because nothing dire will decend When eyes finds an obssession to f… Will it walk on rail and loose tra…
I have love life The same eversince: I have love the hard Spent days when money shows no favour,
Everything can Be learned In this world Even prayer Can be taught