Soul Seeker

Greatest Common Factor

I want to be that guy
That, when I die,
Everyone comes to my funeral
I want to be that guy
Who knows everyone who walks by on the sidewalk
That guy who can honestly say “Hi!” to the random passerby
I want to be that guy that everyone knows
Not someone famous
Just a guy that everyone likes to hang out with
I want to be the connection
That guy that people meet other people through
I want to be that guy that brings everyone together
And I don’t just want to have a lot friends
I want to have a whole group of friends
I want my friends to be friends
I want to be the guy who knows people
But not just for the sake of saying, “Oh hey, I know that guy!”
I want to really KNOW people
Know what they want
Know what they struggle with
Know who they ARE
I want to be the friend that others confide in
Who everyone trusts
Who isn’t afraid to spill his own guts
But really
I want to know people,
Because I want to know Jesus
Jesus knew everybody
Whether he’d met them before or not
And everyone, who is a friend of Christ, knows Jesus
I want to have a lot of friends
Not because I need a lot friends,
But because Jesus loves people
And so do I
'~Soul Seeker'
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