S. Mc Donald

Loves Cost

I’faith the cost of love seems none
when love for one child bears
It’s strange, it’s odd that one could care
so much for one so young
Look you upon that tiny face
that glowing elfish grin
Remember well I do the din
her laughter filled the place
And in her hand she gently holds
an insect - 'twas so small
But it, to her, my human doll
Seemed daring, dang’rous, bold
To her I smiled; praised her foray
told her I was proud
exalting her in voice so loud
the insect flew away


This was written after looking at an old photograph of my little cousin, then four years old, play with a firefly.

#Cousin #Happy #Insect #KidsLove #Smile

Autres oeuvres par S. Mc Donald...
