Saro Bedian

Saro Bedian


To all yea warrior poets of old, I say "hail!"  I have been a fond fan of poetry my whole life, and have written and published a self-made poet's dream book about everything I love.  Please check it out and check the link; I'm an up and coming writer and wish to spread the good words of my work to many people, God willing you will like what I've done :)  I hope you enjoy my verses, if you want more my title "Life, Death, and Everything Else" is available on amazon and createspace and is listed on both, print on demand.   Thank you!


To all yea warrior poets of old, I say "hail!"  I have been a fond fan of poetry my whole life, and have written and published a self-made poet's dream book about everything I love.  Please check it out and check the link; I'm an up and coming writer and wish to spread the good words of my work to many people, God willing you will like what I've done :)  I hope you enjoy my verses, if you want more my title "Life, Death, and Everything Else" is available on amazon and createspace and is listed on both, print on demand.   Thank you!

This is the link in case you love what I've done and wish to own the full book, it is 13.95 and 350 pages.  Here's the link:
