Sarah Brittany


Birthday gift

He’s always there when needed,
He never misses a call.
He’s always there to listen,
He’ll catch you before you fall.
He’s a handyman when it’s broken,
He’s a counselor when we seek advice.
He’s a lunch date in the summer,
He’s the highlight of our life.
He’s a singer to old country,
from the 90’s and before.
Especially when it’s to Hank,
And he’s singing, “Dinosaur”.
He’s the hardest worker I know,
He has more strength than most,
He’s idolized by many,
But he will never boast.
Jesus is whom he follows
And he encourages others too
He’s the leader in our family
Complaints, he has few.
His stories are never forgotten
We could listen to him for years
Sometimes he has us laughing
until we are all in tears.
He’s the optimist when things
are very hard to bear.
Life would be impossible,
if we didn’t have him there.
He is the greatest dad,
And this family is sure blessed.
I hope this year brings him happiness
because he deserves the best.
Thank you for who you are and all you do for not just your family, but everyone you encounter.
Happy Birthday, Dad.
June 9, 2016

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