April 22nd, a sad, unforgettable d… five beautiful souls taken in such… Destined to be nurses, to save liv… Lights to this world, burned by su… Free will to men is what Jesus ga…
It starts with confidence But can quickly fade When we lose sight Of the plan that’s been made He knows our life
She cries She’s afraid She doesn’t know She has no where to turn She has no where to go
A challenge, an adventure, inevitable, the end It comes too soon for many friends Expected and shocking
A man full of love, a man full of… A man full of an undying love for… A hero, role model, and a blessing… With an incredible amount of care… The candy man, pizza man, and ice…
Brings so much joy But hurts the most Can pull us away Or draw us close We do it because
Terror, fear, lives lost again how many more times will we lose o… We tell others to have faith and t… We can also sympathize, but for h… How long, until it happens once mo…
Intelligent and friendly and not to mention tall the peacemaker of the family and leader to us all It took us a while
To run through the jungle, the fas… I try and try Why, oh why can’t I? To light up the sky with a simple… I try and try
Faith is but a thing Hope and trust it does bring Faith is tough at certain times It comes in forms of all kinds Many put faith in material items
Calm and serene quiet and clear the sun rises quickly a new day is here Thankful to wake
Full of insight Full of love No doubt in my mind sent to us from above A lifetime of advice
It starts as an idol and wrestling… Or racing to make the first happy… An explorer through the Holiday P… Or dress up partner for trick-or-t… There are fights and tattles, and…
It comes and it goes Rarely does it last The days and memories seem to go so fast Mom says never trust
I like to write Though I’m not very good Put my thoughts on paper As I’m told I should Helps clear your head