**** Market forces prevail. Metered discourse. Purchased int… Love is for sale. ***
Stationary repose in in the ever s… You look familiar yet different,… The life you lived has ended, a re… Hollow haunting memory of a once v… Beautiful in your own right, your…
Knowing she exists has restored my faith in love and hope for the future.
If I couldn’t remember the sparkl… I might suspect that you are a dre… If I couldn’t remember the timele… I might suspect that you are the w… If I couldn’t remember how you co…
Chaotic and disorganized, much goi… I regrouped, suspended my expectat… Fearful ramblings and a wooden emb… Providence brought us both to this… Safe place enveloped in healing en…
We all have within us the capacity… We also sometimes contain conflict… The key is where we focus our atte… This allows us to intentionally c…
Ignoring riptide warnings, acting… Swept away by the current and poun… The stakes are high; a matter of l… Doing battle with Poseidon, gaspi… Finally surrendering to fate, I s…
Her smiling face looked so sweet,… We first established boundaries an… Our hearts were open and our minds… I would be smitten under different… I’m not sure how she’ll remember m…
Curiously known stranger, unfamiliarly familiar, soul mate encounter.
I am confused by incongruent words… They don’t always make sense, my t… From past abuse I begin gleaning To fill the silence with meaning Meaning that’s not rooted in any h…
Inferno burning, contained inside the oven of our temperance.
Powerful old white man demanding a… Does it matter if below the surfac… Little boy, frightened child. His sense of security defiled. On undependable adults he must rel…
I had lost my bearings and was dri… Your love beaconed me like a star… Your light led me out of the darkn… In your arms I found catharsis. I must give credit where credit is…
I am feeling uncertain Standing on stage behind the curta… Butterflies flutter My stomach is churning like butter The show begins
When we first met I saw your ligh… Unaccustomed to the brilliance,… But I stood my ground, when in th… Hoping our love was too hot and br… A powerful woman and embodiment of…