Siren's Song

Clinging to a raft,
Adrift on an angry sea,
I can’t catch my breath.
Endless waves batter me.
Burdens weigh heavy;
A perfect storm swells with strife.
My responsibilities are many;
I hold on for dear life.
I’m wet and I’m cold;
Alone and afraid.
I feel depleted and old;
For deliverance I prayed.
By siren’s song or witch’s craft;
Elemental forces beckon me.
I let go of the raft,
And I’m embraced by the sea.
Peaceful surrender in weightless repose.
Limp body sinking in the churning brine.
Timelessly present in the eternal flow.
Conscious awareness, free of time.
Transformed by heavenly forces,
I take Poseidon’s form.
The waves become my horses;
My chariot - the storm.
With newfound buoyant mirth,
I fill the clouds with rain.
My watery bounty blankets the earth,
Feeding all who I sustain.
Now, the seas are calmed when I’m asleep.
With trident’s touch, I shake the ground.
In timeless refuge in the deep,
My life’s purpose can be found.


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