At This Moment

At this moment I am not in danger.  I’m not too cold and I’m not too hot.  I am not hungry or thirsty.  I’m not tired or in pain.  I am not suffering.  I’m not lonely.  I’m not worried.  I don’t feel obligated, persecuted, shamed, or guilty.

This is the kind of moment that could only be imagined in our ancient past.  This is the kind of moment we hope to experience in our future.  This is the kind of moment we look back on and smile. This is the kind of moment we want to have just one more of, when we are breathing our last breath.

We don’t live our lives in the past or in the future.  We don’t live in our heads nor to satisfy the expectations of others.

We only live life in this present moment, and this is a perfect moment!

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