Why do you listen to the lies? How do you not see
When is something truly hopeless? Is it when you cannot go on? When life throws impossible obstac… Is it that moment when you give up… Tired of the injustice and apathy?
This darkness in which I stand is void. I am alone with naught but my work… and naught but my thoughts. Though on occasion, he stands besi…
First, A mistake. Quicksand. Second, A broken promise.
People assume it is about the catch, the prize. And, for some it is. But for me, it is so much
How can I ever Prove to you? For a chance that was never leaped. A divide
When others see me, What do they really see? Is it what they want to see? Or is it me? Do they see misconceptions
In a glen there stood an oak. A towering oak,
The one I Love most. My outlet of reason, The voice through the phone. A mirror of sorts.
I wander the desert an empty jug my only possession. My water has long run dry, my lips now used to
Give. Everything. All that I own, All that I have owned, and All that I will own. My love, past, and future
Forces of Nature more powerful than earthquakes, than tsunamis, the bane of happiness
Of the Day. I want to feel alive. Whole. I want to know
Much have I wandered From one life to another. My sorrows I have pondered, injustices that threaten to smothe… A mind of barbs and brambles
Was it too much to ask? Perhaps this truly is fair, some retribution for past misdeeds or a shield against unnecessary pa… But that is not for you to decide