Robert Hillyer

XXII. ‘Fly, joyous wind, through all the wakened earth’

Fly, joyous wind, through all the wakened earth,
Now when the portals of the dawn outpour
Laughter and radiant sunlight from the store
Of spring’s glad passion and loud-ringing mirth.
Cry to the world that I despair no more;
Heart greets my heart, and hope has proved its worth;
Fly where the meadows swell in flowery birth,
Chant everywhere, and everywhere adore.
Circle the basking hills in fragrant flight,
Shout ‘Rapture! Rapture!’ if sweet sorrow passes,
And whisper low in intimate delight
My love-song to the undulating grasses.
Grief is no more, Love rises with the spring,
O fly, free wind, and ‘Rapture! Rapture!’ sing.
Autres oeuvres par Robert Hillyer...
