Hallelujah! The forsaken rains em… to thwart the progression up to th… Hallelujah! The Earth came back t… and lo behold in the sky a grand s… The skies heard our prayers and se…
Earth of deep secrets, her engines… her lava flows, her deep-seated ra… her moods waiting to explode at an… her pride flowing through her brea… her milk saturated with sugar and…
The abolishment of The thirteen British Colonies As they were before Under the rule of the British unt… The signing of the
Aunt Mildred, that homely fat stupid sister of little Johnny’s mother with her slobbering lips plastered with lipstick
It’s back to school time again so… Time flies by come September from… It’s time to gather up all the sch… pencils, books, and all what your… But most important, an inquisitive…
Blessed home of life longing for l… the link between heaven and heaven… the foundation laid out with suppl… a palpitating structure with tender floors and crystalline ceil…
That Magic Wand There it goes again in its thrilli… Turning the ordinary into the extr… With its rallying sounds that ratt… Pointing its spears at my tedious…
Terror in little packages hidden in forests deep, further than the eye can see, out of sight, out of mind, an incident of little relevance
Those conniving spirits that hover above me when I write are up to no good again. They don’t want me to be funny. They conspire amongst their stupid selves to see how they can sabotage ...
Clusters living in their tyrannica… Clusters sewn together with celest… As tyrants cast the music into new… To test the waters of unfamiliar t… Music of the new is a strange exot…
Me the self, my precious self, of blood and flesh and wit, perfect creation of man, the treasure of treasures, fighting for my preservation,
Heaven descending, wizard’s brewing, love’s ingredients, mixture applied, results forthcoming,
Primal fires from secret places ignited from the souls from unholy… passion from the wild out into the… unleashed from the dark by the dem… fires stained with blood and yello…
As the quiet sky sits still, We stretch our imagination And think of the Proper name to call it. “Ha ha,” it laughs out loud.
Doodads abounding piling on top swirling around the literati world conundrums accumulating piling on conundrums the maze of the cell phone doodads