Little baby Suzie and her big pink rattles,
her constant crying and her vernacular battles,
her wonderment with her new found toys,
her inherited smiles and ensuing joys,
her doll houses with pretty pink shutters,
her dolls responding to everything she mutters,
they’re wearing big girls’ attire with all the curves
like the big girls she knows while she observes.
Her new clothes made for how Suzie looks,
are what she sees in catalogs and books.
How to catch the eyes of an on-looking boy,
she learns how many egos she can destroy.
Her schooling is a place of never learning,
the right place to be for her constant yearning;
academics of love and all that she’ll need,
learning the wiles of love and how to succeed.
She lifted up her skirts is what she did
and watched the on-lookers, heaven forbid.
Showing her innocence, but gloating in her charm
she moved about in the most revealing garb;
then moved on to the imperial ranks of royalty
with her alluring smiles and looking all so pretty,
romancing kings and becoming influential,
our innocent little Suzie of newly acquired guile.
Using her appeal to dethrone such foolish kings
in the wake of her affairs and all her flings,
she’s all equipped to rule the world.
She’s all grown up to be a big, big girl.