Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

Rose Colored Glasses

Rose Colored Glasses
Through my flowery rose colored glasses
Undefiled life through them ever passes
Crystal lakes sparkling from the sun
Rainbowed skies from the angels spun
Smiling down from sainted skies so blue
Anxieties smoothed over from life to renew
Though sorrow and misery once more reigned
Dreams danced and reveled with reality so feigned
My sonnet to life how sublime thou art
Virgin eyes gazing right from the heart
Like a child blowing out his birthday candles
His life equipped with diamond studded handles
‘Tis life and what we ever dreamed about
We climbed the highest mountain upward devout
We took life and put it all in our pocket
Wrapped around and sealed it with a gold locket
The life of a starry-eyed weaver of words
Broken free at last from ever clinging girds
Life is made again unbound and beautiful
An ode to the skies, a transcendental miracle
A poet’s rose-colored life is finer
Than those with no dreams at all

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