Caricamento in corso...
Spring day in the village, by Hans Andersen Brendekilde
Robert L. Martin

Paradise Road

Paradise of the senses, yea I have found,
With its golden streets winding all around,
A wandering through to escape my boredom,
One more quest to complete my life undone.
Paradise of the senses, a thrilling ride indeed,
A life in the fast lane at a high rate of speed,
No time to look around and find God inside,
Who needs him when the thrill is in the ride?
Paradise of the senses, I arrived there all alone
In a field unyielded from a field unsown.
The fruits are in the labor and the love of God.
A righteous journey and a defiant road untrod.
Paradise of the spirit, a blissful road to be,
That God built for us with love to set us free,
A freedom song from his inaugural christening,
Though we shan’t lose ourselves in our singing.
For what is a road that the senses built?
A paradise attained with an immoral guilt.
Paradise is a freedom
But not freedom alone.
It is a road traveled with God
To consecrate our freedom.

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