Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

Nut House Boogie

Nut House Boogie
Nut House Boogie, boggie woogie
My name I forgot my name is Rudy
Birds fly around and into my soup
Tastes kinda weird, sorta like poop
Nut House Boogie, boogie woogie
I pooped my pants, they’re all so gooey
I picked my nose and talked to the moon
Until the shrink came into my room
Nut House Boogie, boogie woogie
Hi there Doc, yikes, what a boobie
This place is not bad, and you’re so cute
Havin’ so much fun at the institute
Nut House Boogie, boogie woogie
Have a rat by the name of Trudy
We went fishin’ down at the cesspool
Then took a dip, the water was so cool
Nut House Boogie, boogie woogie
I’m not crazy, just a little looney
But that’s O.K., so’s my friend Ed
He ate his book, then read his bed
Nut House Boogie, boogie woogie
Danced in the night and smoked a stogy
The place was rockin’, ate all my meds
The room was spinning ‘round all my heads
Nut House Boogie, boogie woogie
Gettin’ down with rest of the stoogies
Danced til’ the end but not really the end
Tomorrow was just around the next bend
Nut House Boogie, Nut House Boogie
Can’t have a boogie without a woogie
Havin’ a good time “Cause we’re all nuts
Cuttin’ the rug, and cuttin’ the ruts
Nut House Boogie, boogie woogie
Nut House Boogie, boogie woogie

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