Robert L. Martin

Hollow Man

The man has no plans for the future inside his hollow head. Without a father to prove to him that a good education is the avenue to prosperity, he listens to other voices coming from the streets, from the other people just like himself. Education takes too long for him to land a good job. He wants to be successful without it.

Since he has no father, he needs that authoritative someone to follow and befriend. The spirit of brotherhood is in his longing, so it satisfies his loneliness to join any group no matter what their plans are. He is with people who think like he does. He has no righteous counseling from anyone. Authority to him is in the power of the gun and intimidation. He doesn’t know that education prepares him to lead a successful life style; that he can get anything he wants by working for it and in turn, earning it.

If he wants something, he just takes it no matter what the consequences are. If he stays alive, he can continue on doing what he does. Since the percentages of survival are quite low, his plan for prosperity is in jeopardy. The people that uphold the laws are against him. The people he steals from or intimidates are against him. If he doesn’t get killed, he will end up in prison.

He has become the enemy of law enforcement. If they kill him, society has become their sympathizers, who in turn have become the enemy of law enforcement. There are good cops and bad cops. The bad ones belong in prison. They have as much evil in them as the criminal has. The good cops are mistaken for the bad because they wear the same uniform and society doesn’t want to listen to the truth. Society in turn has become haters of law enforcement.

What a mess those hollow men have made of judicial reasoning. There is no distinct boundary between the righteous and the corrupt. They and the bad cops belong in prison where they can do no harm to anyone.

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