, by NASA
Robert L. Martin

Faces of the Sun

Faces of the sun, the smiling sun
on a mission of amity,
working through the grace of God,
the giver of life and warmth and joy,
the transformer of sorrow into gladness,
discomfort into comfort, the unbeauty into beauty,
rescuer from the depths of hopelessness
and resuscitator from the old to a new life
with a beaming smile
on a mission of benevolence,
or a smile that covers up its true intentions
and a breach of the spirit of good-will,
of hanging in the midst for an extended time,
converting the sun’s life giving rays into weapons,
going to battle against the tropical currents,
chasing away the merciful clouds,
baking the hills and forests and homes,
drying out the wood by sapping the life from it
and igniting the kindling and fanning it
with the demonic winds and
watching everything burn and burn
and applauding itself for the fun that it had,
working in the favor of the devil’s wishes,
dancing to the crackling of the timber
while watching all the living go up in flames,
and watching the whole world burn until...........?

The fires in Los Angeles sure bring me down. I used to live in Hollywood, not too far from where the fires are. I hope Hollywood doesn't burn too. I pray for a big rainstorm to put out the fires.

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