Robert L. Martin

Dead Dead

A deep meditation on life,
a look into the reason for living,
the consecration of all religions,
the pursuit of love,
a  philosophy to suit the findings,
the drawing up of a plan,
the launching of that plan,
the climbing up the mountain,
the greening of the spirit,
the elation of the mind,
the freeing of the inhibitions,
the finding of love’s secrets,
the floating on a cloud,
the walking in divinity,
the tripping over a wire,
the falling off  a curb,
the landing in another field,
the looking up at the sky,
the counting of the obstacles,
the intimidation of their faces,
the surrendering of the will to fight,
the lowering of the self-esteem,
the numbing of the spirit,
the laying down of the arms,
the finding a hole to climb into,
the waiting for the white wings of death,
the complete surrender,
the tragedy of the mighty one,
the escape into the world of the dead,
the shedding of the pain of life,
the relief by the numbing,
the rescuing by the jaws of death,
a sad story of the one who fell
off the curb and landed in a field,
never to climb up again.

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