, by Yash Ashara
Robert L. Martin

A Somebody

A somebody he is now. If his parents didn’t recognize him as being so, his new peers do. He is finally in a gang that has the same interests and speaks  the same language. He is now a valuable member of a family, something that his parents didn’t see him as being. Whether or not these interests are beneficial to him, he is now contented with them and pledges to fulfill his duties as a gang member.

The leader of the gang is like a father that he never had. He finally has someone to look up to and let him boss him around. As long as his boss is attentive to him, he will always respect him. If his new boss is corrupt, that is OK. He never had a father to teach him morality. To him, killing is a way of life to get something that one doesn’t have.

That poor fatherless somebody died in a shoot out with a rival gang. He never knew the benefits of living a life with morality as a guide.

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