Richard Kerr

You (A.N.C)

To Alexandra Nicole Carter

You are:
A surge of lightning throughout my soul,
Awakening all my senses in an instant.
An adrenaline injection to the core of my heart,
Sending it racing, singing, soaring
With a single, infatuating smile from those remarkable lips.
You can:
Dominate my every thought,
Manipulating my imagination to reflect only upon you.
Conjure enchanted emotion, so intense,
It beams and glows with the power of the sun,
With only the mention of your name or the gaze of your eye.
But, alas, I fear
You will have a turn of resolve, as you realise
I am not what you perceived me to be. I am
Without you.
And so the smouldering remains of my heart I give to you,
That you may ignite it again with the magnificence of your own.


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