Richard Kerr


As she stared into the sea of lights,
Distracted by the waves
And the plots of her own psyche,
She personified serenity;
But refuted peace.
From afar an echo of her spoke
Words of encouragement, and estrangement.
Who was she? When was she?
Sirens called to her
From the abyss of her soul.
The mermaids below stared in wonder
From the depths of her grave,
As the booming voice of Poseidon
Attempted (in vain) to sway
Her better judgement.
She stalled, not with doubt
But with the sudden insight
That this was it!
The end of an era,
And the beginning of another.
She steadied her breathing,
Preparing for her baptism
In the vast ocean below,
Which roared loudly with
The voices of forgotten friends.
With eyes closed, she dropped,
Ready to welcome the warm
Embrace of the sun-kissed sea;
The warmth of which had
Already consumed her heart;
Her eyes flickered; the illusion shattered,
City lights were blinding,
Sympathetic screams deafening,
And her body was shattered as
It met with the cold concrete Kraken.
To soar free was her aim,
But she required an alternate plane.


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