Richard Kerr

A Quote of Love

“My Mistress’ eyes are
Nothing like the sun”;
Words Shakespeare scribbled,
As a young man in Love.
A statement that should never be uttered in word of you!
For eyes are windows to the soul,
And your soul is alight; burning bright
With the flame of Moses’ Holy Bush.
And Lewis was right when he said;
“To Love is to be vulnerable”.
For I forfeit my security, and stand bare
Before you.
My chest is torn open, reach out,
And you may grasp my beating heart;
Which, like these words, disobeys the rules of rhythm
For you.
And if Angelou thought that
She was a “Phenomenal Woman”,
What, then, are you?
For she would drown in the shadow
Cast by your radiance;
The same radiance in which I bathe.
But I do not shield my eyes from your light,
I embrace it, and allow it to blind me;
So that you may take my hand, and lead.
And was it not John, in the ninth Verse
Of his fourth Chapter, who stated;
“God sent his one and only son into the world
That we might live through him”.
Well I am the Father, my heart is the Son,
And you are my World.
So live through me, as I live through you
‘Cause with all my soul
I do Love You.


#FreeLove #Verse

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