“My Mistress’ eyes are Nothing like the sun”; Words Shakespeare scribbled, As a young man in Love. A statement that should never be u…
This salvation, Deeper than the hollow of my grave Stares back with menacing Eyes, void of hope, but lacking fe… I stall,
Before I unfold to you The misfortune of this tale, I shall present to you The poor protagonist who died For your unsavoury enjoyment.
As she stared into the sea of ligh… Distracted by the waves And the plots of her own psyche, She personified serenity; But refuted peace.
If you too have felt deflated, Crushed and fooled by a thing call… If you too have triumphed And overthrown the pain that rains… Then you need not listen to my wor…
Some believe: Death greets us with no gift, That our eternal prize For our brave demise Is nothingness; our soul sent adri…
With steel determination, I scrutinise the current value Of my husk-like state: Then it passes, and I see only weakness;
You are: A surge of lightning throughout my… Awakening all my senses in an inst… An adrenaline injection to the cor… Sending it racing, singing, soarin…
June 11th 2005 Today is my birthday But I’m not any older. September 6th 2004 Today is my first day of school
What difference can I make In the end? Greatness, honour, fame; I hold no claim to these; I hold no Illusions.
Doubt; Envious of certainty And sceptical of joy, She stalks us through life Like a shadow of murderous crows.