Richard Walker

Dark is the Night

Yes, dark is this night, and the colour is black
The movement of the planet sees to that
As around the sun we travel in unending arc
A system in which we are just a tiny part
The sun blazing in its place
In consequence and distance, the bringer of our life
The energy of raging fusion
For millennia burning in the dark
Though like all the stars in heaven
Its time will come, returning into lightless dust
In its own maelstrom
You’re days are numbered and so are mine
(The fate of time itself hangs on this line)
As the cosmos expands, disappearing from our view
Our vision lost in unending distance
Across eons of time, the meaningless void appears
As it comes crashing into our conscience
Disturbing the equilibrium of our souls
Where are we in all of this, this unending place?
Dark energy surrounding all, powerful and unseen
The very basis of ‘existence’ yet not understood
If understood, no difference would it make
The journey is upon us and we have no choice but to partake
We should lose our minds to think too much upon this thing
So close our vision to only that that we can see and understand
Reduce our boundary and stay within that realm
The future, and that of time, will itself take care
The consequence is set; there is nothing we can change
As we upon this Earth travel with it on its journey
Into far off time when consumed and into dust returned
To be reborn in imploding energy, and in exploding light renewed
Poem: © Richard Walker October 2008


Note: The universe is there we can see it. We study it and think “why” But where this will take us we can never really know. We may come to understand the physics and the quantum mechanics of it all, but we will not and cannot alter what happens, because that is already set by its very nature...

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