Richard Le Gallienne

Love’s Exchange

Simple am I, I care no whit
For pelf or place,
It is enough for me to sit
And watch Dulcinea’s face;
To mark the lights and shadows flit
Across the silver moon of it.
I have no other merchandise,
No stocks or shares,
No other gold but just what lies
In those deep eyes of hers;
And, sure, if all the world were wise,
It too would bank within her eyes.
I buy up all her smiles all day
With all my love,
And sell them back, cost-price, or, say,
A kiss or two above;
It is a speculation fine,
The profit must be always mine.
The world has many things, ’tis true,
To fill its time,
Far more important things to do
Than making love and rhyme;
Yet, if it asked me to advise,
I’d say—buy up Dulcinea’s eyes!
Autres oeuvres par Richard Le Gallienne...
