Richard Eggenberger

No Shade of Night

No Shade of Night
Still am I moved by inward things
And have no need of fancy’s dreams
Lost in mental wanderings,
For this world’s imperfection seems
But a half-step from divinity.
The instantaneous results
Reported so importantly,
Of murderous and vengeful cults,
Religious superiority
Condescending to all outside,
The unquestionable sanctity
Of dogma’s sacred, rigid pride
Are wayward moments in a plan
Transcending bounds of human thought,
A destiny divine for man
That but in silence can be caught
When all is stilled and luminous,
The word of truth by grace revealed
Above life’s driving animus
To eyes and ears by God unsealed,
And all our littleness transcend
To walk again the paths of light.
In human hearts there will descend
A dawn that holds no shade of night.

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