Richard Eggenberger

A Diviner Birth

A Diviner Birth
Down fell I from those immortal heights
Into the dust of our mortal atmosphere,
I took new breath in jasmine-scented nights
And felt earth’s wounded beauty ever near.
I swam in pristine rivers and I heard
The songs my ancient mothers sang to me
And in another tongue received the Word
From one I knew as the Divinity
Incarnate here to change the suffering globe
By man oppressed and human ignorance,
And she who wore a paradisal robe
Enfolding all to heal and with one glance
Rekindled faith and hope in those who came
To this far land where kings and sages dreamed
Who knew the power of the secret Name
And praying where the sacred waters streamed
From heaven-heights called down upon the earth
The truth divine and a diviner birth.

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