#AmericanWriters #Suicide
SEA, SEA RIDER The man who owned the bookstore wa… three-legged crow on the dandelion… He was, of course, a Jew, a retir… who had been torpedoed in the Nort…
Thinking hard about you I got on the bus and paid 30 cents car fare and asked the driver for two trans… before discovering
SANDBOX MINUS JOHN DILLINGER EQUALS WHAT? Often I return to the cover of Tr… took the baby and went down there… watering the cover with big revolv…
I walked across the park to the fe… It was in the center of a glass sq… by red flowers and fountains. The… was in the shape of a sea horse an… We got hot and died.
I like to think (and the sooner the better!) of a cybernetic meadow where mammals and computers live together in mutually
The sweet juices of your mouth are like castles bathed in honey. I’ve never had it done so gently b… You have put a circle of castles around my penis and you swirl them
I don’t care how God-damn smart these guys are: I’m bored. It’s been raining like hell all da… and there’s nothing to do.
ANOTHER METHOD OF MAKING WALNUT CATSUP And this is a very small cookbook… as if Trout Fishing in America we… Trout Fishing in America had Mar…
I feel horrible. She doesn’t love me and I wander around like a sewing machine that’s just finished sewing a turd to a garbage can lid.
ZAP! unlaid / 20 days
With his hat on he’s about five inches taller than a taxicab.
The petals of the vagina unfold like Christofer Columbus taking off his shoes. Is there anything more beautiful than the bow of a ship
Just because people love your mind, doesn’t mean they have to have your body,
If I were to live my life in catfish forms in scaffolds of skin and whiskers at the bottom of a pond and you were to come by
I am standing in the cemetery at… What did Judy say? ‘God-forsaken… A very old man who has cancer on h… care of the cemetery, is raking a… manner as to almost (polish it lik…