Hi, My name is Amanda Joannevaeh Steinbrecher. Everyone calls me Lady J. I am 27 years old. I have two children, a nine year old son named Shayn Azriel and a three year old daughter named Nacirema Jillian. I used to be very shy and timid. I would hide all of my poetry, so no one would see my true feelings and emotions. I have been writing poetry for as long as I can remember. In second grade I won an Echoes Theatre Award for my writing, and the awards, certificates, and recognitions have continued consistently on in my life. Poetry is my greatest outlet to express myself. I ahve always used poetry as my escape from pain, and always go back to re read everything I write to see where I have been in the past emotionally and mentally, and to stay update reading how far I have come. Some of my poetry will make you sad, or be sensitive to some readers, so I ask that you read at your own risk. Other pieces I have written are very motivatioanl and inspirational. I hope and pray that through my poetry I can help inspire others who may have faced some of the same struggles I have myself. I pray everyone on here with be abundantly bless with joy,peace,harmony, happiness, laughter, and Love. God Bless You All !!
<3 Lady J. <3