I bought a young and lovely bride, Paying her father gold; Lamblike she rested by my side, As cold as ice is cold. No love in her could I awake,
(MASSACHUSETTS SHORE, 180… I mind it was but yesterday: The sun was dim, the air was chill… Below the town, below the hill, The sails of my son’s ship did fil…
I want you to choose me. I want to you to choose me, Not because you think I’m pretty, Not because you love the way I la… Not because I am “easy to love”,
Somehow not only for Christmas But all the long year through, The joy that you give to others Is the joy that comes back to you. And the more you spend in blessing
Sitting in a pew Preacher speaks his lies A bird hits the window And slowly it dies. Twidling my thumbs
Sometimes I’m happy But mostly sad Somehow you always make me feel so… You say you want respect But I am a woman
Rattled in the demise of my own ig… My ego grows as the world waters t… Does this alleviate my aches? Does it matter when it does not be… You’ve taken the vain within, the…
When a Negro comes in question yo… See how bias its opinions, how his… Prominence is given headlines, whe… Emphasizes all the evils of the N… If a white man comes in question y…
Your eyes. I can’t stop writing about them. I can’t stop dreaming about them g… And I’ve been meaning to tell you… Heighten the blinds.
Llegas tratándome tan dulce, Despareces en silencio Y regresas confundiéndome totalmen… No soy un juego, Aquel que utilizas cuando quieres.
All of a sudden Song of cicada charmed my heart Evening brings joy
I am listening to these instrument… they like instructions, disputing… Take me back to the country road. let the air hit my face. set my hair to liberty
HERE Brewer Gabriel’s fire’s ex… And empty all his barrels: He’s blest—if, as he brew’d, he dr… In upright, honest morals.
I love you, wind o’ the Autumn, t… To lead me out of the toiling worl… Where the poplars tall and golden… Are setting to woodland partners a… Oh! say, wild wind o’ the Autumn,…
Upon my head sits my white hat So all can see my purity pure are my thoughts pure is my soul I’ll do anything to obtain my goal
As winter strikes, I fly myself to the backyard, The scent of cold winter jasmine c… Rubbing itself past the midnight l… I hear them speak words of remedy,…
THERE was an instant when he mig… He could not see the lady; but ins… He nodded with a blank, impassive… And waited, never moving from his… Beside the window, till a moment m…
We sat across the table. he said, cut off your hands. they are always poking at things. they might touch me. I said yes.
One wept whose only child was dead… New-born, ten years ago. “Weep not; he is in bliss,” they s… She answered, “Even so, ”Ten years ago was born in pain
Neobule, being tired, Far too tired to laugh or weep, From the hours, rosy and gray, Hid her golden face away. Neobule, fain of sleep,
Stretching out On a sun-warmed deck chair With my overpriced Dark roast coffee, I attempt to jigger free
LATE: a cold smear of sunlight b… The gilt lime of winter, a sun gro… Streams in the glass. Outside, te… Looping the weather-birds with rin… The spires of Paris, pricked in a…
ACROSS the frozen marshes The winds of autumn blow, And the fen-lands of the Wetter Are white with early snow. But where the low, gray headlands
Who cometh from fields of the sout… With raiment of weeping and woe, And a cry of the heart in her mout… And a step that is muffled and slo… Her paths are the paths of the sun…
He watched them rise as time passe… To see that life had echoed again So reminiscently. A time foretold…
Love, in it’s purest form: roses smell sweet we stop to smell them. Talking,
THAT zephyr every year So soon was heard to sigh in fo… It was for her: that wrapp’d in go… Meads were so early seen, That in the saddest months oft sun…
My rose, Gravina, blooms anew; And steeped not now in rain, But in Castalian streams by you, Will never fade again.
——-The Fading————— Copyright by Dan L. Murphy TheDuck.com / DLMcomics The world we live in There’s too much sin in
Be careful of words, even the miraculous ones. For the miraculous we do our best, sometimes they swarm like insects and leave not a sting but a kiss.
The night seems dark and the road… I know I will have guidance from… People say I should leave you and… But you’ll kill my pulse if you wa… Like the north star I look at you…
Brokeness pain suffering i bear agony screams out a soul wounded by many trying to find way my through the path of freedom Im stucked IM bound by thoughts and emotions THEY cripple me s...
life is like a book. With the past what is already written, the present, and the future what is already to come. each page a day with all its joy, laughter, hatred, and despair. with ea...
Listen now this time Shortly to my rhyme That herewith starts About certain kind hearts In those stricken parts
facade I did partake I die a million death Under this camouflage i begin to believe that surrounds the flees
Of all the gifts Thine hand besto… Thou Giver of all good! Not heaven itself a richer knows Than my Redeemer’s blood. Faith too, the blood-receiving gra…
Lift ev’ry voice and sing, Till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of Libert… Let our rejoicing rise High as the list’ning skies,
Death comes for us all the preache… But the teachers keep teaching Still trying to fill heads They say knowledge is power but when the hour draws near
These eyes of mine see only you My smile is all because of you And deep inside My heart tells me its only you and there’s no room for nobody else oh how I wish you knew the way I feel f...
Wandering through the dark no more I’ll be your unsullied follower I’ll turn the other cheek, I wont… Another misfit cliche, I no longe… I think I found my Khalisi
Why do I feel guilty for moving o… I’m so scared to fall in love with… and accept that I am past him. What he did, What he said.
My past hunts my future, I picture the mirror reflects pain, ..the fear becomes severe ...as I try! Every step takes me backwards, no trust! Even the ones I love, can’t keep me focus, i...
I want to live beyond the calls of… above the fog of worry in the calm… away from tasting feelings that co… to conform to shadows’ casts const… I want to live unbarred from iron’…
There was only one second between… There would have been so much you… We have had major problems over th… You are my role model, My idol,
You seemed like heaven And loved like hell You were my quietest forever An unassuming dream manifested Surpassing amazing
“There are thousands of ways of un… “Three seconds, I close my eyes a… “In fact, I know that for this I… “I have traumas, problems... and y… “No Please!! Star, don’t leave me…
Lights cut through the dark nigh Dancing with no reason They fill the sky with their light For anyone who will watch As they dance a fierce tango
Make no mistake, God is in me Is not I am in God God is man
Please don’t give up on you. You are so beautiful no matter the… Keep going, step by step, nobody r… So stand straight, go on. The sun is waiting to shine upon y…
———————————Indigo lightened up your eyes that afternoon. An ocean of swells and mollusks invaded that day . Tapestries of orange colors and a hint of ivory coated up above as if the sky...
The joy of man, the pride of brute… Domestic subject for disputes, Of plenty thou the emblem fair, Adorn’d by nymphs with all their c… I saw thee raised to high renown,
1poemdaily.blogspot.com A blog of thoughts Each day for a year. Maybe intellect will lead to Smoke and mirrors.
A long lone bicycle ride there. I have to stay off the booze. I have to stay off Facebook.
Oh Life! I breathe thee in the br… I feel thee bounding in my veins, I see thee in these stretching tre… These flowers, this still rock’s m… This stream of odours flowing by
Out of all the things I am and ev… Out of all the money I have and e… Out of all the things I’ve mended… Foolishness is upon me and wisdom… Poverty is upon me and wealth is i…
I stood beside the silken rope, Five dollars in my hand, And waited in my patient hope To sit anear the Band, And hear the famous Louie play
My hands glide over her body My body glides in tune with hers. The urge, The need, the incredible temptatio… The suddenly surreal sensation.
Today, it is Christmas. Tomorrow, not so. But this time— Next year— My tree strikes aglow—
As my brother once told me that when your back is against the wall and all else seem to fail do no worry cause everything will be alright, life is always fill of trials and tribulation ...