#English #Women
She walks—the lady of my delight— A shepherdess of sheep. Her flocks are thoughts. She keep… She keeps them from the steep; She feeds them on the fragrant hei…
The child not yet is lulled to res… Too young a nurse, the slender Ni… So laxly holds him to her breast That throbs with flight. He plays with her, and will not sl…
New delights to our desire The singers of the past can yield. I lift mine eyes to hill and field… And see in them your yet dumb lyre… poets unborn and unrevealed.
(I) PROMETHEUS 1- IT was the south: mid-everything, - Mid-land, mid-summer, noon ; -
On London fell a clearer light; Caressing pencils of the sun Defined the distances, the white Houses transfigured one by one, The 'long, unlovely street’ impear…
The leaves are many under my feet, And drift one way. Their scent of death is weary and… A flight of them is in the grey Where sky and forest meet.
Farewell has long been said; I ha… I never name thee even. But how shall I learn virtues and… For thou art so near Heaven That Heavenward meditations pause…
Listen, and when thy hand this pap… O time-worn woman, think of her wh… What thy thin fingers touch, with… O mother, for the weight of years… O daughter, for slow time must yet…
My heart shall be thy garden. Com… Into thy garden; thine be happy ho… Among my fairest thoughts, my tall… From root to crowning petal, thine… Thine is the place from where the…
I must not think of thee; and, tir… I shun the love that lurks in all… The love of thee—and in the blue h… And in the dearest passage of a so… Oh, just beyond the sweetest thoug…
There’s a feast undated, yet Both our true lives hold it fast,— Even the day when we first met. What a great day came and passed, —Unknown then, but known at last.
She walks—the lady of my delight— A shepherdess of sheep. Her flocks are thoughts. She keep… She guards them from the steep. She feeds them on the fragrant hei…
We build with strength and deep to… That shall be shattered thus and t… And fair and great are court and h… But how fair—this is not for us, Who know the lack that lurks in al…
O Spring, I know thee! Seek for… In the young children’s eyes. But I have learnt the years, and… Leaf-folded violet. Mine ear, awake to silence, can fo…
Rich meanings of the prophet-Spri… Unseen, this colourless sky of fol… And folded winds; no blossom in th… A poet’s face asleep in this grey… Now in the midst of the old world…