Sometimes I’m happy
But mostly sad
Somehow you always make me feel so bad
You say you want respect
But I am a woman
So I can respect a man that respects me
You say I’m always gone
But you can’t see
So many things that need to be done
It’s called responsibility
So I like to have fun
Why don’t you try and have some
I’m only 21
And have a son
He means the world to me
My number one priority
I wouldn’t change my life for all the riches in the world
Bur you want me to change for you
Tell how
Tell me now
I got to do what you want me to do
I’m only a woman
I got to take care of myself
I’m sorry but somehow
You seem to think I am so carefree
What about the bills stacking up
And the rent we can’t pay
What about the diapers
And the milk we can’t afford
And your cigarettes
We have to have anyway
Gas in the car
Food in the fridge
Sometime soon something has got to give
You say you want a better life
You say you want me to be your wife
So many cards on the table
But I just don’t see it happening
Now it’s eight o’ clock
Where are you
When you got off of work at five
I got home early just so we could spend time together
Like you want so bad
Mostly I am just getting mad.