This one is entering her teens, Ripe for sentimental scenes, Has picked a gangling unripe male, Sees herself in a bridal veil, Presses lips and tosses head,
The camel has a single hump; The dromedary, two; Or else the other way around. I’m never sure. Are you?
I don’t mind eels Except as meals. And the way they feels.
May I join you in the doghouse, R… I wish to retire till the party’s… Since three o’clock I’ve done my… To entertain each tiny guest. My… And if they want me, let them find…
There is something about a Martin… A tingle remarkably pleasant; A yellow, a mellow Martini; I wish I had one at present. There is something about a Martin…
I would live all my life in noncha… Were it not for making a living, w…
Purity Is obscurity.
I have a bone to pick with fate, Come here and tell me girly, Do you think my mind is maturing l… Or simply rotting early.
The summer like a rajah dies, And every widowed tree Kindles for Congregationalist eye… An alien suttee.
The hunter crouches in his blind ‘Neath camouflage of every kind And conjures up a quacking noise To lend allure to his decoys This grown-up man, with pluck and…
Toward a better world I contribut… I eat the squab, lest it become a…
A bit of talcum Is always walcum.
Bring down the moon for genteel J… She’s too refined for this gross p… She wears garments and you wear cl… You buy stockings, she purchases h… She say That is correct, and you…
From whence arrived the praying ma… From outer space, or lost Atlanti… glimpse the grin, green metal mug at masks the pseudo-saintly bug, Orthopterous, also carnivorous,
Geniuses of countless nations Have told their love for generatio… Till all their memorable phrases Are common as goldenrod or daisies… Their girls have glimmered like th…