It’s gone dark, my mind is lost and my body’s aching They say it gets better, there’s a heaven or something.
Seattle taught me that there’s val… that hovers in the air like an am… with no substance, playing harmle… on your face and in your hair. Seattle taught me that there’s imm…
After an incendiary time when deaths and injuries have bee… so regular as to be almost unremar… after such a time as that the total possessions of a good nu…
Only the land remains when all is… as in the beginning so in the end. After his few ticks of time man wi… but in the end all that remains is… Those ancient ones who, having bee…
Can a poet raise his head from the… these days? Can he take in the com… Or would he only be able to say, “the world is too much wit… They all seem to say the same thin…
When I make an inappropriate comm… she would raise her eyebrows, and… at me, as a silent chastisement. Donald J Trump, Scott Morrison a… meet in an obscure coffee shop in…
So you walk up this morning street… in the pub at this unearthly hour. Fourth smoke in about thirty minu… ‘coz you’re afraid. Afraid of the people,
Somehow everything has been shorn: the sky of its clouds, the morning… the day of its welcome, the traffi… Every sacred thing has been shorn… religion of its mystery—the Body o…
The most remarkable thing is the s… It’s early, but except for a few c… making mandatory trips to gather a… the silence is almost complete, as if we’re all meditating on the…
I saw your response to my post on… because my phone dinged as I was w… under the trees in the cool of the… Thankyou for that response that sh… at me from a square of capitalised…
I want to step lightly in time, put the easy malice down, the outbreaks of outrage, the uncertainty of love. I want to complete the circle
The almost silent Hog is fully si… The last smile has left off dancing across the great man’s fac… Time as stopped, the clocks will ring the hour of 1:10 this da…
Manufactured from a million ill-fitting participles blinking the [abort] light of syntax error overload, I am that demon
When my imagination moves off it seems incredible, astounding, like a church that walks away, a holy place that plays hide-n-see… a blank canvas with a paint resist…
Hand sanitiser has been such a sol… lately, patrolling the lines of ou… the love-line so we can continue t… but especially the life-line, you… Soap has been a pretty solid citiz…