Everyone sees god in a different light but I was born without eyes
I awoke in the dark next to you and more alone than ever I was amazed to hear your heart beating from
I was like a rain cloud over a small garden and dammit if you weren’t that garden so full of flowers that I fell in love
Everyday brings a new death in three words give or take Some days I drown
The road is long and winding like nothing you can imagine Too many off ramps to count but too few in hindsight
There is a girl and I love her and I have loved her since the beg… Or so it seems to me as I only became conscious
There seems to be a drought in my… but who knows if it is the cause or the result of the war raging within me
You were the wind beneath my wings but I was Icarus so all I did
I awoke from a deep sleep and knew the reason was to write I love you
I see poems that need to be written scrawled in the shape of your smile and the lines of your face
Loving you was never sweet like the taste of vanilla the way I thought it was supposed to be It was more like
Just when I get back on my feet you pass on by and I lose my footing Again
If nature were so flattered by poems written with itself in mind as people are we would be moving mountains
I’ve always been at the very least a little caught up on everything about you This idea of you
All that I know how to do is write about death without dying and write about life