dc 1971
First taste of snow in Washington, DC 1971 Thanksgiving Day. 575-77 single line plus couplet.
Sun Air . . . Warm Air season long Now cold breezes suddenly Thermal hugs kindling
if... then pure wisdom of the unknown leads us to knowing nothing
Earth Beyond Let there be Light Dead into life empty into full hel… Grains of sand into towers of moun… Formless unknown unknown darkness…
Sinangag ...breakfast in Manila All we wake up for All we smile for we repeat All blissful we are
Ambrosia Undying Share a moment smile Compassionate full moment Hold someone share love
Halloween Ride october magic carpet Black swans turning into winged co… Gather by the pond took flight as… Yonder the silver school of sardin…
aura of joy let the amazing astonishing radiant light of your essence
Zeus, Thor and Freyr I don’t mind That Zeus is losing his cool Hurling lightning bolts Here, there and nowhere
Prelude to Peace The Morning Calm Out its shell crab flew Over seas to Singapore A prelude to peace
the year begins to wrap up the trumpets been sounded advent been given Santa’s gearing up good tidings the rush is on
We Cry For You To Heal Seasonal year round Equinoxes solstices Predictable yet Burst into myriad glows
Unbroken sail on... sail on Bright golden beads sprouted yet s… Continuous strung together With the same aspirations purposes…
A Tau Alphan Rises ..sail on Brod... Did not go gentle Into that good night not he Quiet rage he did
child unleashed in a candy store suddenly you feel young again childlike-creative you share your intuitive artistry creating dishes to fulfill
Midsummer Yearly longest day Rare sight this year as sun sets Venus Mars align Sun’ll string together