dc 1971
First taste of snow in Washington, DC 1971 Thanksgiving Day. 575-77 single line plus couplet.
V. A. L. E. N. T. I. N. E. S. Make Love Not Sex V. Vigor? No! It’s that gentle… A. Ask you did. All appearances… L. Lust is a four letter word l…
Singular October Rare Blue Moon As the fall September faded and… Of the autumnal equinox heading so… A disc had risen uneventful
Up Again when i finally have a chance to sleep...
Voodoos And into the night As you lay awake scheming Comes a jolt you jumped Words come out
When you feel that a project’s approval is coming very soon from the authority in jurisdiction, i.e., in a very thin minute, with all the stakeholders already concurred and had consente...
Out From The Cages A Day In The Life Birds cry They plea all day long Out from their wire cages flutter
Love Offering A Gift of Soul A scream muffled lost for words Confuse I am whole body in distre… A different kind none prior and li…
wildflowers nature surrounding near and far awesome works of art everywhere framed by Van Gogh by Gauguin yellow star-streaked blue sky
grateful and the sparrow flew from his mother’s nest... away Came back... blessings shared ***
Snow Sky Winter Smile Snowstorm armageddon ah I truly m… Arms wrap around me morn opened my… Stalactite icicles hang outside th…
Stolen It is all spread out there Here to eternity beyond the horizo… All the light colors yet to be bro… Sparkling over the visible spectru…
Love Alone Adoring Souls There can be no barriers For a soul to transcend another Between Eros inspired beings
a neighbor’s friend arf arf woof bow wow dog excited for a treat then sit for petting a moment of love comfort
Slow Slow Quick Quick In life’s grand ballroom Little steps forward you make In step with the song Forward succession you make
here and hereafter on this God’s little acre we call earth... there can be no barriers between two souls bound by love