Nelson D Reyes

the sun also dies

...but the word shall stand forever ...until time is no more...scriptures

        the sun also dies
sitting full lotus
on the proverbial
himalayan mountain ledge
mudra and eyes
straight across the
crimson horizon
once more
for another setting
of the day
shimmering a haze
of a bluish universe
and yet still far
beyond in space
dark streaks
seemingly coming forward
but remain still
a black mysterious
sequins mirage
an image perceived
in solitude with the sun
day in day out now
in full focus
ah our world
our sun star
its planets of gases
of rocks
spinning nonchalantly
eons and eons
from the chaos
big bang
like a rush hour moment
in big asphalt gardens
of the world
running like a thief
with a precious haul
our milkyway
like a screaming newborn
just flying
and spinning
not knowing where to go
just straight out to
nowhere with precious
paradise earth
yet our mortal selves
in the tiny grain world
we live in we go around
unperturbed by the
frenzy of the outer space
the speed of light life
of the universes
the einsteins space
and time
we seemed to have
found a niche
on planet earth
focused on our
dreams our happiness
our loves adventures
our own universes
our families
matters not if only
for a slice
of a moment’s time
in space infinite
our paradise home
eons caught flitting
in the cold space
warm by a star
far away in the horizon
our father sun
the purveyor of life
now aged
itself is slowly dying
like my old
faithful friend
my aging body
slowly bidding me
smiling it’s last smiles
like the sun sharing
the last magnificent
gift of life
my body and I
the last sunsets
we will see
in our solitude
on the sacred ledge
of the himalayas
the sun also dies
photo:ndr Durham NC sunset is true in the vast voidness of cosmos stars die and our body from where our souls will emerge to find a new home... and on and on... a journey repeated for eternity...until time is no more...

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