Dusting the Patio Set
The sweet whistling wings of the mourning doves
As they flew and perched on the iron railing outside
My room caught me frozen the pair glanced at me
At once took off with the same sweet wing sound
A pocket of wind swirls with the curtains
As now the blackbird is on the same railing
Crows the familiar call a bit louder this time
But as always around the time to wake me up
Around the corner the other day a cloudless sky
My neighbor was sweeping her patio dusting the set
A little cold to be out but she threw me a smile as I passed by
Further up another neighbor was out working on his yard
Across from the picture window of my kitchen
A couple of lizards were chasing each other
Ran up the faded red terra block garden wall
Lost in the hedges and lo! a cotton tail bunny came out
A familiar green red throat hummingbird suddenly showed up
Did her usual fly by of the mimosa tree came back and enjoy
Each red needles flower with a couple of bees buzzing along
A glorious sight in mid morning as I take my second cup of coffee
Butterflies small white and yellow ones big blue and yellow ones
Hopping and sipping quick sweet nectar stops from blooming flowers
Spiders trapeze balancing their webs by night like the circus acrobats
Laugh at you in the morn their silk in your face as you walk out the door
A change is coming once again as the cold moons begin to stay distant
Tonight we lose one hour be in fantasy land an hour ahead
I thought as I empty my socks drawer oblivious to my putting
Them back in the same places they were in and some not matching
Surely put a smile on my face when I find a matching pair and colors
Like nature as it transforms the world’s seasons one after the other
From a brown land to magical serene snow at times chaotic scenes
To colorful and verdantly fragrant joyous in pairing with blossoming earth
Spring this time like a sleeping beauty waking up from a long winter slumber
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Photo: ndr