Nelson D Reyes

soaking in a day in the life

...faces you see...voices you hear...all through four seasons...under the sun...

             soaking in a day in the life
summer of climate change 2023
cool moon nights shut down
begin the day heat in earnest at dawn
tossing and turning at night sweaty
settled reflected a time back then
it was an eight to five
nine hours minus lunchtime
daily eight hours grind
as noon comes break alive
back then it was
the four seasons were four
spring summer into fall winter
time before the smart cloud
when cloud was water vapor
in the sky up high snow when cold
towards warm earth a downpour
was an eight to five
daily eight hours grind
a passion morning to evening
to put love on the table
a family smile to look forward to
after a day’s start to grab life
grab a bite gulp coffee
tie a necktie grab briefcase
out the door in the car
mad chase to morning rush
office meetings
project deadlines
more meetings
hold hands with clients
afternoon rush to home
six o’clock News
took a deep breath
family visit around dinner table
stories of the day activities laughters
happy moments once more face to face
familiar sweet voices heard
retire to family room
kids’ school homework
pencil paper erasers
kids to their beds tucked in
ice cream TV sitcoms
more laughters
more love coalesce
eleven o’clock news
retire read in bed
night kisses
tossing and turning
next day’s work in mind to sleep
wake up get up smile repeat
all to survive
a lifetime
years of work
work with love in mind
building a family
for the next family
and the next
a lifetime love
today’s technology
presents a varied way
spend a day in the life
many millions captive
find it captivating
with a hand held device
a technology chain tethered all day
  all night
living spaces virtually vanished
dining rooms a handheld media room
all eyes fixed on tiny screens
yes friends and families still meet in
but text talk laugh eyes fixed
  on tiny screens
wish time turn around
back in the day back again
when clouds were water vapor
when soaking in under the sun
  is simply that
with friends families chatting
with voices laughters you actually hear
smiles you get from bright faces you see
all through four seasons under the sun
©ndr 08.26.2023
Photo: iStock online

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