"The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps." proverbs 16-9
Many things are done in the last minute, things that had been distilled sublimely.
Dance On Air If I can only do fly like a bird If I can only soar like an eagle And sing sweet calls like a nighti… And mimic for love like mockingbir…
Sacred Spit Untethered Fifty lashes Double for repeats You got caught
Love All We Need ...not scorched earth... There is a mad man In the room beside himself Crazed out of his mind
let there be light ...and woman was fashioned *** ©ndr 05.31,2024 Photo: istock
We spent many years, a lot of time building a future that alas we found is giving us a very limited amount of return on investment. We are presented with a short life in the future we d...
again to share absolutely singularly a great moment a gift of love
The Manger Carol Voices There is yet a whole lot of things… The only game in town left... life Sweet times made sweeter with love
Nine It’s been asked. And will be Many times again The meaning of life.
Happiness ...dance with your muse... You let go The insane daily rat race Is just that-insane
Twilight at the Beach Reached for the sun glanced a quie… goodnight setting Painting amber streaks on the vast… canvas
Caramel Popcorn paradise earth One’s view of the world is as good… A dream that everyone has Good or bad
a candle glow gloom doom situations we encounter in our lifetime many times come and go most we overcome
Live Love Life naturally beautiful lived wit… From the first sacred two words I… To the primal scream heard up abov… We’ve known always to live with te…
fate motif wake up smile get up repeat
Time strength Acceptance hugs Strength is our backbone Helps us in our grief resolution Acceptance gives us understanding An affirmation embracing of our pa…