Nelson D Reyes

Nyx’s kind of day

...a hockey puck azure sky...

Nyx’s kind of day
goddess Nyx’s night in daylight
bewildering... glow in the dark sky
goosebumpy how nature
nefariously interwoven
with imagination
affects our emotions
given Mother Nature’s
seasonal changing moods
an event such as an azure day
turning into a dark night
could be chilling to many
children and adults alike
finding themselves walking by
some creepy haunted houses
near a shadowy cemetery
a howling windy night creaky chilly
any moment a zombie’s eerie
spine chilling arm on their shoulder
scary friendly gesture perhaps
or outright devouring of your soul
leaving folklorists red-eye voodooed
seeing vampires romantic these days
a Bram Stoker gothic horror revamp
to rococo look venuses erotic flair
quite a transformation not unlike
the radiant sun turning to a hockey puck
La Luna making a day to Nyx’s liking
©ndr 04.15.2024
Photo:online stock

...a zombie like scene with mythical creepy nocturnal the Goddess of Night watches grinning ...

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