Nelson D Reyes

Live Love

“Love...looks on tempests and is never shaken”...Sonnet 116 Shakespeare

Live Love
Life naturally beautiful lived with love
From the first sacred two words I Do
To the primal scream heard up above
We’ve known always to live with tenderness
Nurtured in the womb and into a welcoming light
A journey we accept given all the malaise weariness
Difficult times daily grind to moments of triumph exaltation
Exuberant from the joy of knowing the word is kept within our soul
From fervent wishes and dreams life’s better lived sans pretension
Embrace we rejoice the endless blessings of love
Innate kindness mindful of feelings needs space of others
Tribulations predicaments sadness miseries die... life goes on we thrive
Good fortune there in the good words we hear
Lucid from hyaline the passion the caring
All through to omega and alpha always... is clear
It has all transcended and transformed in our mother’s womb
In the sweet darkness where protection had flourished eon times repeated
As our spirit naturally surrenders life to a nurturing love bosom
Photo:ndr yellow rose red bougainvillea in our garden
Video:  life love passion-Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement by Rousseau 7:35 minutes

love, happiness, optimism / kindness, mindfulness, creativity

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