Nelson D Reyes

I love you my love forever

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along...rumi

           I love you my love forever
Completely no question
Not a glimmer of doubt
About my love for you
Neither from your love of me
No time and no space
Can contain
Our brimming ever flowing
Love for each other...
No never even
Those of the universes’
Cascading sounds like
The burbling waterfalls
Soothing ever they are
The love and care you give to me
Akin to the nourishing waterfalls
I continue to receive gratefully
Keep in the reservoir
Of my heart
The outpouring affection
From you your soul
Genuinely generous grand
Like I do the beautiful
The wonderful gifts of nature
Seasonal as they maybe...
My whole being continues to accept
Cherish reciprocate at all times
Every single breath I take
Not a single moment
A single trace
Of your loving care
Was forgotten
Since we braided
Our hands for eternity
Our footsteps
On the sands of time
Will remain fully deeply
Imprinted for all time
Our loved ones can trace reflect
Look into the golden setting sun
Reach for us in the purple horizon
We stay ever together
Soaking the suns of life
Hands locked ever we will walk
Each other home to eternity
With unspoken deep love
Only our souls can fathom
I love you my love forever
Until time melts into eternity
Photo:ndr Old North Durham, NC at sunset on W Trinity Avenue April 2023

Inspired by Grace Chacon Leon...

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